Dr Limin Wijaya

Dr Limin Wijaya

Head and Senior Consultant, Department of Infectious Disease\nSingapore General Hospital

Dr Limin Wijaya is head and senior consultant of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Singapore General Hospital. Dr Wijaya graduated from the University of Melbourne and went on to do her fellowship in Tropical Medicine and Vaccination at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom.

She was heavily involved in the pandemic response in the hospital and co-led the SGH campus COVID-19 vaccination.

Dr Wijaya has been involved in education with an interest in changing the teaching and learning strategies using pedagogical evidence in the reflection and transfer of knowledge. She is Assistant Dean of Learning at DUKE-NUS Medical School and is involved in the remediation and learning of the medical students. She completed her Master of Science in Health Profession Education at the MGH Institute of Health Professions, United States, in August 2021.