Dr Koh Tsingyi

Dr Koh Tsingyi

Head of Healthcare Redesign\nAlexandra Hospital, Singapore 

Dr Koh Tsingyi is currently the head of the Department of Healthcare Redesign at Alexandra Hospital (AH). She leads the department to coordinate whole hospital efforts to redesign health and care services and drive technology-enabled care transformation. She successfully opened the Smart Wards at AH in 2022 and has deployed various innovation projects such as smart glass and Food AI within the hospital. Prior to joining AH, she was in charge of the inpatient pharmacy at National University Hospital, where she implemented various clinical pharmacy services, co-led the hospital-wide deployment of smart pumps, and led the development of the integrated pharmacy, which operationalised in December 2021. She has more than 15 years of experience practising as a clinical pharmacist, and in the last 5 years has ventured into the space of health innovation and technology.